Happy 2020!!!!

Right about now, when we’ve moved past the initial post-holiday, fresh new goals time of year, and started moving into the holy smokes, these goals are outlandish and coming apart at the seams time of year, your team at Admin Slayer wants to help you pump the brakes by taking you back to 2017.

Three years ago, we gave you some tips and tricks on how to try new things without burning out and going broke, featuring the Hudson’s Bay Start. We have re-read it to ourselves every year since, and you know what? It holds up. Get in there. Take a few moments (it’s quick!) to read through that article, and recognize that you cannot - and do not need to - succeed spectacularly at everything all at once. You don’t need to fail spectacularly either (thank goodness). You can take your goals for a test run, and once you’ve got some good data, you can back up and rethink whether you’re still going to attack them in the same way - or if they are the goals you really want, after all. 

If you’ve been reading along with us for awhile, you might notice that we attach certain themes to every year and 2020 is no different. We’ve got a plan, of course, with some really exciting ideas. Want to know what we’re up to? Of course you do. Head on over here to find out what we’ll be talking about allll year long. 

Of course, no newsletter would be the same without a story from the trenches, and this month Karyn, the Archival Slayer, is sharing her Day In The Life. Want to know how she runs a family, supports three different clients on entirely different systems, volunteers, and manages to get dressed every day (in comfy pants, obviously)? Sure you do. Read all about Karyn here

By the way, if reading is on your list of resolutions this year, don’t forget that our team has a pile of recommendations for you. Whether it’s leadership, happiness, true crime, mysteries, historical fiction, biographies or satire, there’s something in this list for everyone. 

What are your big plans for 2020? Come share with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram!