Got your holiday cards out?

That’s right - even if we can’t see each other in person to celebrate the season (thanks to this ongoing pandemic), the reality is we’re still finding ways to connect, share, and appreciate each other throughout the winter season.

Maybe you’ve got a team of amazing slayers sending out cards for you, or you found a great company that will ship out goodies to your favourite clients. Or perhaps you’ve decided that the most thoughtful thing you can do is donate to charity to help those in need. The most important thing is that you stay connected, not only during special occasions but throughout the entire year. 

If you’re struggling with the best way to connect online, we created a short article called Online Marketing Best Practices last year, full of free advice about how to strengthen your brand and get going on social media. Yes, of course - we do that, and you can learn exactly how in this month’s case study…

Shaun and Ed run a busy investment counselling firm that has an unusually powerful online presence. Their firm, Summit Capital, has a great brand, a great presence, and an engaged team. The hard part though, is that they’re incredibly busy, and posting on social media, sending out newsletters, and all that “stuff” falls lower and lower on the priority list. Enter - obviously - Admin Slayer. Execution is what we do, and we’ve turned their online marketing strategy into a genuine, consistent presence. Find out more here

Our own Carla, the Inquisitive Slayer, spends some of her time managing email newsletters and posting on social media for our busy clients, in addition to client care, calendaring, and raising what might be a supernatural teenager. Spend a Day In The Life with Carla, who also happens to be drumming, volunteering, and cooking up a cheesy chicken bake, right here

Finally, we would love to share with you a few more things: 

We know you’re running off your feet, so we hope you’ll bookmark some of these for later when you have a few moments to learn more about us and the many ways we can make your business more effective, fun, and profitable.