Thank you so much for reading our newsletter and all our articles throughout 2019. We labour over these - with love - each month, in the hopes that we can give you tips, tricks, joy, and laughter throughout the year.

All throughout 2019, we’ve focused our feature articles on the theme of Resilience. We got pretty excited about the concept in late 2018, because we knew, from working with business owners across Canada and around the world, that the difference between a business that succeeds and one that fails is often the resilience of the owners, the team, and the business model.

Admin Slayer was created to help businesses that should be successful attain that success. We know that many small businesses fail not because their idea is bad, or the owners lack talent, but because there’s a boatload of stuff that business owners need to handle, which may not be their true calling. Handily, a lot of that stuff is our true calling. Administration, bookkeeping, social media management, technology, and much more - all of these things are foundational to operating businesses. But they’re not what you do. We want you to focus on what you do, because we know that will bring you the resilience you need to attain the success you richly deserve.

December’s feature article on resilience wraps up all we’ve talked about in a tidy little bow, so that the information is clear, sorted, and available for you to put to use immediately. Resilience has been our gift to you all year long, and we are so thrilled to be able to close that book (that’s a hint towards something we are doing in 2020…) with a summary you can take action on when you come back refreshed from your holidays.

Speaking of holidays, the Admin Slayer team knows that some of you like to spend yours indulging in the kind of relaxing activities you don’t get enough of throughout the rest of the year. If one of those activities is reading, we’ve got a great list for you. Members of our team shared books they have learned from in both business and life, books they have laughed through, and books that have kept them up into the wee hours, turning pages. The only theme in this book list is that it came from our team - there’s something for everyone here.

Last and never least, we’d love to introduce you to Morgan, our Purposeful Slayer, who joined the team in spring of this year. Morgan is a live demonstration of resilience, with twin girls, cross-country moves, and a relentless machine-like precision for task completion. We know you’ll enjoy her as much as we do!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Admin Slayer! We hope you’re spending your time with people you love, relaxing and preparing yourself for what we know will be an outstanding 2020!