...of Rowan!

9:00 am Unless I have an early morning meeting, I like to wake around 9 am, to my cat’s breakfast alarm. While my fiancé feeds her, I check my Slack messages and drink a warm glass of water, answer anything that’s urgent, and “set a reminder” on any messages that can wait.

9:15 am The morning is my “me” time and I often go for a walk with my fiancé and four-legged family member to get some fresh air and sun first thing. 

9:30 am Get in the gym - listen to my absolute fav podcast, or if I’m in need of some hyping up, I have several levels of gym music ready to go.

10:30 am Make and eat breakfast and answer my remaining slack messages before jumping into the work day.

11:00 am Using Google Chrome profiles, I hop on to check Client A & B’s inboxes (Gmail and Outlook), identify the priorities for the day, and prepare for any meetings. I log in to Client A’s task manager Trello. For Client B I log in to their task manager, Asana (the best task manager IMO), as well as Teams (for ideal client/administrator communication), Equisoft (CRM, etc) and Quip (document storage). Then I’m working away on whatever work my clients have and anything that needs attention in their inboxes!

1:00 pm Time to make, or heat up, and eat my lunch.

2:00 pm Back into work mode, I open up Client C & D’s softwares, including their inboxes, Dropbox and Sharepoint (document storage), and PipeDrive (task management). I prepare and send out any annual reminders to Client C’s clients, and set up their upcoming meeting agendas & tasks. Client D has some bookkeeping items to work through and, as always, I update our Procedure Manual whenever needed to capture any changes. I’ll do a late check of my slack messages and respond to my fellow slayers, maybe sending a Furball pic!

5/6:00 pm Depending on how heavy work is for the day, around now I complete any final items, checking all clients’ inboxes and messaging softwares for responses, updates or urgent tasks.

6:30 pm It’s time to make dinner for myself, my fiancé and his brother! And on a Friday, we’ll do a family movie with dinner.

8:00 pm Winding down for the night, I’ll check out my to-do list, and cross everything off, including wedding planning, laundry/cleaning or prep food for tomorrow. Then it’s time to relax, watch some TV (currently, that’s rewatching The Walking Dead, in preparation for the reboot season), play with the cat, and/or read!

12:00 am Then, it’s off to bed, reading a boring non-fiction book to fall asleep faster!