...of Morgan

Day in the life morgan.jpg

5:30am GOOD MORNING! Time to get up, let the dogs out and turn the coffee on.

5:50am Pour the coffee then do the things! First up is Client A. I usually start off by checking emails, as most of the tasks come through automation (this makes life so easy). Then I check  Monday.Com for all of the daily tasks that don’t flow through automation. 

6:25am Top up my coffee cup and start on Client B (each client requires a fresh top up, right?). Go through emails, check Slack channels for any updates and login to ZenDesk for my daily tasks. During my morning check in I try to get all of the emails taken care of (by sending all replies and creating any tasks), and do as many tasks from ZenDesk as I can. This way when the rest of the world wakes up, I am ready to respond.

7:00am Time to move! I head downstairs to our home gym and do a 30 minute Barre workout and a quick 10-15 minute run.

7:50am My husband is off to work and I head to grab the world’s quickest shower before my kids get up.

8:05am I can hear my girls starting to move around so I head to the kitchen and start breakfast. I make a giant mushroom and cheese omelette for us all to split. If I don’t have breakfast on the plate when I get them up it isn’t pretty. Talk about HANGRY!

8:25am Girlies are up, at the table and we are all ready to eat. We have breakfast and then head to the bedroom where they watch “The Wiggles” while I finish getting ready for the day.

9:10am It’s playtime! We usually do puzzles, play with blocks, books and anything learning related.

10:00am It’s SNACK TIME. I pour the girls some Cheerios (their morning cheerios are the equivalent of my morning coffee). They MUST have them or it is not pleasant for anyone! They sometimes sit in their play area or end up on the daybed in my office. I login to Client C’s email and Asana to check on any upcoming trips or tasks. I then sort Client C’s email inboxes and research hotels for an upcoming trip. I send a list of suggestions to the client with links to hotels and update the trip task in Asana.

10:30am Kids are playing and no longer interested in me so I do a few dishes and tidy up.

11:00am Get lunch ready for the girls and while they eat I prep lunch for me and my husband. We read a story and girls are in bed by noon.

12:00pm Eat lunch with my husband, then go back through Clients A, B & C for their afternoon checks and complete any outstanding tasks. Client C has responded with the hotel of choice so I book that and save the itinerary to his calendar for ease of access when he checks in. I make myself a maple latte with my Ninja. Yes, more coffee! 

2:30pm I can hear my kids start to stir so I whip up afternoon smoothies. Once they are up, happily sipping their smoothies and doing their thing, I start my Client D check. I open up our inbox and start responding to emails. There are a few meetings that need to be rebooked so I look at the calendar and offer some new dates. Once emails are done I check Asana for tasks and send out any follow up emails that need to be done today.

3:10pm All done working! I will check my emails and slacks after my kids go to bed to see if anything urgent has popped up, but for the most part, my work day is done! Time to play with the girls, do some dishes and get their supper on the go. Since my husband and I like to eat a little later (around 7:00pm),  I make extra so that the girls can have leftovers the following night for supper. It saves me from making a million different meals and lets us still eat a little later in the evening. If we eat at 5:00pm with the kids I will end up crushing a full bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos before bed!

5:40pm Husband is home and it is bath time (for the kiddos!). After their bath, the girls have a snack and maybe watch a cartoon. Then they have one last burst of energy for the night, which we try to turn into a clean up game. Sometimes it works, others not so much! I usually start making our supper and my husband plays with the girls.

7:00pm Kids are in bed! We have supper together and tidy up. I pour a glass of wine and we can finally relax and watch a show that doesn’t involve grown adults singing and dancing.

8:00pm One final task and email check for the night. I respond to anything urgent and complete any outstanding tasks.

9:00pm Get the coffee ready for the morning so I just have to turn it on. I head to bed and read for a bit and usually doze off by 10... (okay, it's more like 9:35).