Admin Slayer is the team you always wished you could have. We have intentionally built an incredibly solid community of experienced Slayers, so much greater than the sum of our parts. Admin Slayer is a collaborative group of professionals, working towards a common goal: supporting and growing your business while becoming an integral member of your team

Seven years ago, when we first started Admin Slayer, there were very few virtual assistants servicing a broad range of clients, and even fewer companies that built teams of VAs. Now, in a post-pandemic world, the concept of remote work is so wide that it applies to much more than just administrative support. There are now countless independent virtual assistants, and a large handful of companies that act as middlemen to match assistants to new clients. It’s easy to feel lost in the noise of competition if you’re not standing apart. Luckily for us (and for you), we stand apart. 

While we maintain a high level of expectation of each of our Slayers, we also lean on teamwork as a strength and an asset. Just as you shouldn’t expect your partner to be everything for you (your lover, your best friend, your therapist, your chef, your business partner, your accountant…), your virtual assistant also can’t do it all. Some VAs will be excellent copywriters, drafting up the perfect email to your investors. Others relish the challenge of navigating scheduling shifts with ease. Some will flourish better when they’re curating your social media presence or sourcing the best images. Others would prefer to dive deep into research or sink their teeth into a longer-term project to improve your operations. Here at Admin Slayer, we acknowledge and respect the fact that we each have different strengths and instead of expecting everyone to be everything for every client, we encourage those strengths to be shared amongst the team so our clients are always receiving the best support. As a cherry on top, our team model minimizes gaps in coverage due to holidays, illness, personal life (we all have one), and emergencies. We work hard to support our community of Slayers who mutually respect and value each other as highly competent professionals.

Admin Slayer focuses on working with entrepreneurs, professionals, and small business-builders who need to think and act differently in order to achieve their goals. We know that without some chaos and (oftentimes, scary) change, a business can remain stagnant. We have built our success on the knowledge that you need both a team that can manage the day-to-day vital tasks, and also one who can embrace and roll with the changes businesses often encounter. Beyond taking instruction and checking off tasks, Admin Slayer provides full-service, problem-solving, forward-thinking administrative support. Our goal is to help you make great decisions and understand how those decisions can be implemented so you can sustain and grow your business and implement your strategies. We work with you to understand your goals, your pitfalls, your own strengths and weaknesses, what you need, and what we can do to help you move forward. 

While the sea of competition will only continue to rise, we have built Admin Slayer on a solid foundation of sustainable life and career balance, supporting our professional team to build their careers and connect with their clients on a long-term basis. Our clients are so much more than numbers and business names; the relationships that Slayers build with clients is one of mutual respect and durable growth. At the basis of our business model is a recognition that we are all humans doing their best at (hopefully) something they love, and we are excited to be a part of that.