It’s been a whirlwind - and we’re only a couple of weeks into the year. All around the world, we continue to experience chaos and change. You wouldn’t be alone if you’re more than a little bit tired, and looking for a break.

We hope you have found ways to take breaks, rests, and reinvigorate yourself throughout this first month - which we like to think of as a “test” month - of 2022. If you’ve been reading with us for a few years, you’ll be familiar with our approach to this time period between January 1st (the solar new year) and February 1st (the lunar new year, this year).

Instead of rolling in somehow rested and ready on January 1st, most of us are a little groggy and still blinking, wondering what might actually be new and different about this calendar change. We may feel the pressure of a new year, which seems to be the time we’re expected to implement a bunch of new ideas, when we may not have even had a moment to come up with any.

If you’re like us, we invite you to give yourself the room to come up with those ideas and start testing them. In 2017, we wrote about how to do that in our article “How to try new things without going broke and burning out”.

It’s getting pretty close to the lunar new year when, over here, we start to feel like we’re getting into the groove and figuring out how we’re going to approach these next 11 months. If you’re with us, then congratulations! If you’re not there yet - it’s super okay. There are endless opportunities for starts, restarts, revisions, and tests throughout the year. From the calendar quarters ending March, June, September, and December to the new years around the world that start on different dates, like Songkran, Baisakhi, Rosh Hashanah, and so many more - including your own birthday - you can restart any time you like.

We, like you, review our business operations and strategies regularly to figure out what is working, what’s not, and what makes sense for our team going forward as we move to greater and greater successes. Through that review we made the decision to reduce our workload when it comes to newsletter and article creation in 2022. Since we started back in 2015, we’ve been writing a monthly newsletter that includes feature articles, Have You Met… introductions to our team members, and much more. It’s become a lot like putting out a regular magazine, and we’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.

However, we’re a professional administration and bookkeeping company - not a magazine - and we’ve decide to focus our efforts where they can do the most good: working with our clients.

This means that you’ll be hearing from us less often, at the end of each quarter, and we hope that for you, this means you’ll enjoy our newsletters more, knowing that they’re more rare.

This month, we’re featuring a Day In the Life of Sabrina, our Branding Slayer. Sabrina is an accomplished artist in addition to her profession as a graphic designer and branding expert. Her day tends to run a little differently than that of our administrative and bookkeeping focused slayers - we hope you have as much reading about her day as she evidently did having it!

 Find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We can’t wait to hear from you!