Admin Slayer™

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April Update

Do you ever think of yourself as a technology entrepreneur?

You may right now be shaking your head, identifying your business with that thing you do, or that thing you make, rather than the tools you use.

But even if you don't produce technology, the truth is that you interact with it - heavily - every single day. From that complex little computer in your pocket, which connects with satellites around the world to get you up-to-date information (not to mention cat pictures), to the email you're reading right now, you are a heavy user of technology.

For many people the idea can be a little scary. We may discount our tech chops by citing our age, our business, and our backgrounds. But technologies, new and old, are part of everything you do, every single day.

May is a great month to think about your technology, not only because it contains World Password Day, but also because now that all the craziness of tax season is over, why not give yourself something else to be concerned about?

As you know, the Admin Slayer theme for 2019 is Resilience: the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, or stress. In January, we shared our thoughts on building a financial resilient company, in February, we were all about building your resilient team, and in March, we encouraged you to build your resilient pipeline. After all that building, it's time for a little protection, and we've got you covered with actions to take to support your resilient technology.

Even if you consider yourself a Luddite, working with passwords, wifi, email, text, file storage, and even the occasional (gasp!) virus are simply facts of life. This month's feature article will help you maintain resilience in the face of all that cyber and tech stuff, so that you can get back to building.

If marketing is more your thing, reward yourself after reading about tech with 10 ways you can nurture word-of-mouth marketing from our friend Karen Bannister. This article is an excerpt from our wildly successful ebook, The Entrepreneur's Survival Guide, a collection of great advice from experts we know and love. While you're checking out that one, don't forget our first ebook, The Art of Delegation, full of key tips, tools, and worksheets to help you develop your delegation muscle.

If you've been with us a while, you may already be aware of our Eagle Eye Slayer, Aspen, who can spot a grammatical error at 10,000 feet. Want to know what a day in the life is like for her? Sure you do! Read all about it here.

What kind of resilience are you looking to build this year? Contact us here.