Admin Slayer™

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A Day in the Life

...of Tracey

7:30 AM  Wake up without an alarm (so nice!), and read Shannon’s morning Slacks over breakfast  (because she’s already full on working when I get up).

8:15 AM  Take my notebook up to my office and settle in to work. Read Slacks from everyone, check my calendar for what I should be doing today.

8:30 AM  Review Hubspot CRM tasks and start to do one, but....

8:32 AM  Reply to Slack message from one of the Slayers and then;

8:40 AM  Back to those Hubspot tasks interspersed with Slacks and emails:  follow up with Prospect A after our call last week; check in with Client B to help set up accounts for their Slayer; reply to website inquiry from potential client. Snooze notifications from Slack for 1 hour.

10:00 AM  Have a monthly virtual Tea Party with one of our “extroverted” Slayers, Jiveney, with whom I’ve worked closely since she started with Admin Slayer. Having opportunities to socialize even though we’re on opposite sides of the country is really special.

11:00 AM Check in on Slacks, answer training or technical questions for Slayers; update procedural documents on a new client and share with their Slayer through GDrive.

12:30 PM  Hold a Skype session with a new Slayer to walk her through our cyber security requirements.

1:00 PM Run out to the grocery store in the calm traffic window between lunch and “after school”.

1:50 PM  Talk to Shannon prior to a call with a prospective client to review our initial  notes. Magically there is a cat now sleeping on my lap - she has a sense for when I’m on the phone and just appears. Every. Single. Time.

2:00 PM Hold call with prospective client to understand their business and how we may be able to help.

2:30 PM  Post-call discussion with Shannon to talk about next steps. Slack the Management Group with thoughts.

2:45 PM  Run downstairs, make some tea and eat something. Usually a smoothie. If it’s nice, I’ll go outside and wander the garden, enjoying the peace of it.

3:30 PM Review Slacks from the past 2 hours and reply to Slayers, helping with issues and answering questions.

4:00 PM  Work on Client C’s project to set up automated tasks in her real estate CRM, Realvolve; share updates via Gdrive to collaborate on.

5:30 PM  Check in on Slacks and emails from the past 90 minutes and send replies. Check Tsheets to review what everyone was working on today.

5:40 PM  Pack up the notebook and bring it downstairs for the evening.

6:00 PM  Eat dinner and watch the evening news.

7:00 PM  Work on one of the acrylic paintings I currently have on the go, or research something new to attempt. Somehow staring at a canvas is different than staring at monitors.

9:00 PM  Step back from painting, put it aside for a night or two and settle in on the sofa to watch TV for a couple hours.

11:00 PM  Bedtime.